Wednesday 14 December 2016

Learning My Camera: A Story

So a few days ago I went to a photography boot camp-like day course... Needless to say, it was incredibly helpful for all of us who went, but especially for me because I knew squat about my D3300 camera (aside from pressing the button to take a picture). But the pictures that I'd take usually turned out slightly blurry or too bright or too dark. Thanks to this course, I can now take Instagram-worthy selfies! (Actually no, and that wasn't the point of the course. But anyway.)

First pic of the day. I couldn't figure out why it was so blurry, until 5 or so minutes later I realized I had my auto-focus off. Typical me. 

Second photo: yikesyikesyikesyikesyikes

Better! We were paired up and told to practice on each other before the "models" arrived.


Honestly, the studio where we were is the coolest place ever. Although, the wood in the background will bug me to my grave.

And finally, the finished, edited pictures that I came out with at the end of the day:

Y'all be the judge if I improved or not. But I learned how to edit and I had an immense amount of fun, and that's what matters, right? :)

Sunday 5 June 2016

Update/shamless self promotion

Hello... it's me.

It's been almost a year since my last post. For those who actually care about this blog I'm sorry I haven't posted in forever. Life get's busy, ya know? And I apologize for what I was like around the last time I posted.... looking back, I was super cringy. I honestly am sorry if you knew me back then. Just why @myself. (Like my use of xD. why. Ashley why.) But anyway... I'll update my fanfiction section, as I have written a bit since last update. Hopefully I've improved. :)

Self promo time:

Follow me on:

Twitter (hardly ever active but whatever): @Ashey_Green
Instagram (kinda active): @asheyy.y
Pinterest (very active): @dontbelasagne

Thursday 11 June 2015

June Invitationals

Ah yes. June Invitationals. The Quiz Meet where your not invited, as implied in the name. I guess you invite yourself, though. So maybe that's why it's called that…?

But anyway, mum, Cindy, and I made the fIVE HOUR TRECK *ahem* *darn traffic* to Kitchener, where the meet was held. It was at Emmanuel Bible College, where I am now not considering going because there are no windows in the classrooms. I guess they don't take into factor those who have claustrophobia. Sheesh…

(all photos are from Alex's Facebook page. I hope you don't mind, Alex. ;)

A quiz. Our team was called "Green a la Violet" for me, Cindy Alex, and Violet.

Me nervously waiting for the question

Alex answering the question. YOU DID AMAZING ALEX

Team photo! And me shirt does NOT say "Call Me Maybe". It says California. Just to be clear. xD

So yeah, that was the June Invitational. Nothing weird happened (liketheicestormthatcamewhilewewereinnewyork), thankfully. And it only took us just over three hours to get home. It was idea Toronto traffic (oh my gosh I can't believe we say that). But yeah, it was fun. Especially quizzing til 10 pm (not). Just kidding. It was. xD

Thursday 19 February 2015

My bOX SET OF THE INHERITANCE CYCLE CAME IN *does a happy dance* If you haven't read that series, then I suggest you do so. Like, now. I'm serious. These books will make you laugh, cry, and everything in between. (Short of feeling like ripping the pages out, shredding them into digestible pieces, and eating them, that is. Read Moriarty by Anthony Horowitz if you want to feel like that.) So yeah. READ THEM.

Thursday 29 January 2015

I added a new pages called Books…; one reason so I can keep track of what I have/have not read.

Haha nope, I'm not obsessed with Sherlock. Nope. Totally not. No way. Well… maybe just a tiny bit. xD

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Thursday 22 January 2015

Winter Nationals continued

So we're back! And it was amazing. But extremely tiring, as we did nine quizzes in 25 hours, three of which were back to back. Anyway, here are some pics, and I'll explain as I go along:

So we walk in, and the room is HUGE. But really nice for a camp. (Did I mention it was at a camp? Well it is.)

There was this friendly gentleman greeting everyone. All we could think of was that part in a Little House on the Prairie episode where Jonathan Garvey yells "Where's my moose head?!"

Also this guy

#selfie waiting for the quizzes to start

Six quizzes… woah. The most we've ever had to do was 4. And never three of then back to back. (We're Team 4. The name is something about messing with the quizmasters heads, as there's only three teams quizzing at a time. xD)

Amazing antler chandelier. The rooms off to the sides there are some of the rooms in which you could stay, but we didn't. It's a good thing too, because the next day it started leaking everywhere in that building.

A quiz about to start.

Another quiz waiting to start. But the two other teams were late, so they asked random trivia questions, which Cindy and I joined in until the other teams arrived.

Yet another quiz

I'd post more pics, but it won't let me :(

We came in 8th out of 23 teams! Which is pretty good, considering that it was our first time at WinNats.

Fun story: We left early, because we did NOT want to get home at midnight. But there was an ice storm, and we slipped on the road a little bit. You know how men are always like "Oh no problem we can do it what's a little bit of ice"? Well my dad was just like "nope" and turned around. We got back to the camp ok, and everyone else was trying to leave. But three cars ended up in the ditch, so everyone stayed several hours until the sand trucks got there. Then we stayed in a Holiday Inn, and left Monday morning. And that is probably the thing I'll remember the most xD